Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Edge (Mediocrity) Pt. 2

and yesterday will continue...

I think we are addicted to mediocrity! Being average seems to be enough for most of us. What is it about just maintaining that seems to be enough for people? I am tired of maintaining, or should I just say sustaining. Our life should be full of adventure! I am not talking about jumping out of a plane adventure! (though that is something I have always wanted to do)I am talking about the adventure that leaves us breathless and standing back in the awe of contentment! I know that probably sounds as if I am contradicting myself...adventure and contentment. But when was the last time you walked into a department store, a cosmetic counter or the gym and left a wonderful piece of yourself.

When you go about your day are you completely consumed with yourself? Or do you wonder how you can impact those around you? Each of us carry a unique sphere of influence, and we should take advantage of it! Men and women come across all types of people depending on the world they live in. Can you think of the last time you stepped out of your world and decided to reach beyond your life to impact others. I love the Pay It Forward, concept! It is truly time for us to stop being average and be extraordinary every day of our lives. We can not live our lives to just exist...we have to come to place where we are determined to risk our fears, and LIVE LIFE WITH OTHERS!

Tomorrow I challenge you to go beyond your comfort zone and pour a piece of your life into someone you come in contact with. I guarantee you will walk away breathless in contentment. I truly believe when we give our lives to others we receive greater satisfaction then the one we poured into. Don't submit to mediocrity, but decide to be and live an extraordinary life.

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