Saturday, January 16, 2010


Our life has been woven into a beautiful tapestry. Some of the tapestry hasn't always been the very best fabric or yarn, but in the end there is a beautiful piece of fabric that tells a remarkable story. We don't always get to pick the colors, the texture or the design...but we decide where that tapestry will be put on display. When a tapestry is completed it is put on display for the world to admire it's beauty.

Allow God to use the story of your life to reach beyond the borders of your heart.
During the hardest places in our lives...there is fabric still being woven into our final tapestry. Allow God to create the final piece and never forget that He traded BEAUTY FOR ASHES!

1 comment:

  1. Your amazing, beautiful and the love of my life.
    Love You,
    Your Husband
