Saturday, January 30, 2010


In the last two months I have been adjusting to my new life. When you pick up your family and move out of state, everything changes. My grocery store, my favorite Starbucks, my stylist, my children's pediatrician...I think you get the point.

Well, I have found that in this transition, the things that I took for granted everyday are now missing. For many people, the comfort of your life is what brings peace to your day. Comfort in the familiar brings sanity to your world. My world has been flipped. My friends, are now a state away, my family, the church I knew my entire life are now just out of reach. The things that I would run to before, are no where to be found. This has launched me into a much deeper relationship with God. I have had to find comfort in my Father. This is a place that I believe He has longed for me to be. Curled up next to Him! With my "old life" just out of reach, it has caused me to really search for Him. The amazing part, "when you seek, you find!"

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7


  1. The one thing I have found with moving~my God and my family are what matter above ALL. Glad to hear you're finding peace and strength in's hard to make that big change, or ANY change for that matter ;o) Believing that you are experiencing His joy, as well! Much love~Cat

  2. I have been living in the exact same state for the past year...oh how this Cali Girl longs for ocean air! And yes, I have found that in the isolation, or feeling thereof, I have spent more time running and leaning on the Lord...which I didn't think was possible. You're not alone...even when it feels that you are. Love ya Liz!
