Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Discovery in Coffee

The other day I went to my favorite coffee shop with a friend. I ordered one of my favorites, a decaf sugar free cinnamon caramel latte. She ordered a long black with room for cream. There is significance in our drinks, I promise. We sat outside at 7:00AM enjoying the beautiful crisp morning. We both had literally just rolled out of bed. We sat in each others presence in our favorite sweats without judgment or we thought! As we played catch up on each other’s lives and gave advice on conflict in our own. I found myself staring at her drink across the table. I was completely distracted that after 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes she hadn't touched her drink. I am a classic Ally McBeal coffee drinker. My coffee has a purpose. There is a specific reason I order each drink that I consume. The flavor, the size, the temperature, it all has a purpose. The first sip is the defining moment of the mood of the coffee. My coffee brings back memories, moments, smells; it is a piece of tapestry in my life. I know it probably sounds crazy, but there is a mood behind every cup! Do I order a Chai, an ice tea, a latte, with whip or without? Heavy foam or extra hot each decision carries it's own result. As I continue drinking my own cup of Christmas I am still completely frazzled that the other cup is sitting there untouched! Why? My friend began sharing the identity crisis she was having. She was on a journey to find out who she was. In her research she had found that she had changed over the years to become a person that others approved of. She lost the very essence of who she was. I think in our quest for approval we often find that we alter our lives to fit into others. We need to remember that in our quest for relationships, we should find them adding to our lives not stripping us of our identity. My friend sat there realizing she hadn't been true to herself for a very long time. Finally, she asked herself, who am I? This is a question that all women should be asking themselves. Who are YOU? What do you like? What do you not like? Can you answer those questions without being influenced by others opinions, judgments or even approval. In my friends search or should I say in her victory...outside a little coffee shop she realized that time and time again she ordered a coffee that someone else always ordered, over time she had come accustom to releasing her desires, even in a simple cup of coffee. That morning we discovered that she never even liked the coffee she had committed to buying for years. So, in our dying to ourselves we need to know that we do not do this for man's approval, but we do it only to discover who He created us to be! Maybe it's time to leave your coffee untouched!


  1. This brings such a smile to my face. Do you remember the movie Run Away Bride?? This is exactly what the main character discovers about herself and how she orders eggs. She had been engaged several times and her favorite eggs were always the same favorite eggs of her current fiancé'. One day she sits down with a dozen or so plates of eggs to taste each of them and decide what HER favorite is. The symbolism in that scene has always stuck with me. Thanks for the reminder!!

  2. So true! I often have those moments of "am I being me, or just acting this way to please someone else?" Someimtes I have a hard time being myself because it might distance me from poeple I'm trying to get close to...not because they don't like me, just different likes and dislikes. The older I get, the more I realize it's not worth it - trying to be someone I'm not. Ditto what Holly said, thanks for the reminder! Love you!

  3. Wow! I miss you both dearly. Life is a crazy roller coaster...there are parts that are wonderful and parts that are so scary you scream from the top of your lungs...others times you can't control your laughter...hey I think I like that analogy...can't wait until expo in april or may...
